When we first toured our soon to be home, I fell in love with this porch. It had so much potential and I knew that it would be one of my favorite places in the house. Soon after we moved in, I found a great deal for a bedswing on Craigslist, but it was built to hold a queen sized mattress. We purchased it with the intention to size it down to fit a twin mattress. Braden did some handy work on the bed frame, we stained it, and hung it with rope we found at Home Depot. Honestly, it required some sweat equity but it was a super easy project! We added a twin mattress and some Pottery Barn outdoor pillows & called it a day.
Since we added the bed-swing, I’ve slowly been adding to our porch area. Our friend Paul over at Paul Hines Woodworks built us custom chairs that are so comfortable. They’re super well made & comfy, and made our space feel more complete. I found a cute little coffee table and natural rug at At Home, and that’s the state our porch as been in for the last 2-3 years. It looked really good, but I knew it could be even more beautiful.
On a whim this spring, I decided to paint the floor of both the porch and our front stoop. Photos at the end of this post show how it was a dusty black / gray, always looked dirty, and just made the spaces look so drab. I found some concrete paint in a light beige, and after pressure washing the porch, I was able to paint both spaces in about 48 hours. The paint is super thick, so it only required one coat, making it a super quick process. It’s amazing how much this freshened everything up!
Bedswing: Craigslist | Custom chairs: Paul Hines Woodworks | Pillows: Pottery Barn Outlet | Shelf: Amazon | Rug & Coffee Table: At Home | Hanging plants & hydrangeas: Trader Joes | Sign above shelf: Hobby Lobby