2018 fall mini sessions with Jessi Nichols Photography will be held on Thursday, November 15th in Greenville, SC! Location information will be shared the week before the session (I can guarantee it will be an easily accessible location with some gorgeous fall foliage)!
These mini sessions include 10 minutes of shooting, 30-35 fully edited images in color (you will also receive all 30-35 images in black and white) and an online gallery where you can easily download, share and print all of the high resolution files.
Turnaround will be 2-3 days in order to get your images to you so you can get Christmas cards printed, just in time for Black Friday deals! There are a very limited number of sessions available, and dates will go fast.
Full payment is due at the time of your session. Please bring cash or a check written to Jessi Nichols Photography on the day of your session, or you may pay via VenMo. Bookings will be on a first come, first serve basis! I am so excited to see existing friends & to meet some new faces!